Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Just bored and looking for something to talk about...

It's an early night for momma as I lay here snuggling with my "thing 1" watching transformers...."thing 2" is in bed already and the house is quiet. It was a very fast evening getting home later than usual having to stop for gas and pick up the kids from my sisters house...then dinner and playing, baths and now bed. It seems my days are flying by these days and I can't seem to slow them down. They (whoever that is) say that your kids grow up and move away in the blink of an eye...they weren't lying! Obviously my boys are still young but it's flying by...it makes me sad. It sucks to get so caught up with cooking and cleaning and working that you almost miss out on life...(obviously there are more things in between...I won't name every single thing I do during the day) weird! This is off the subject but did it piss anyone else off that they used a new girl in the transformer movie "dark of the moon"? It really ruined it...stupid jerks lol. Anyway I really don't have any thing else for now...just gonna snuggle some more and get stuff ready for tomorrow and do some laundry (wow I'm boring)!
Nighty night :) 

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