Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sweet little boy moment 5,678

So yesterday, rather than today since its 3:00 am and I am awake yet again...I had a sweet little boy/mommy moment. I have to start to say that yesterday was a no good rotten day...I am a true full time mommy/with a full time job/full time wife/fat and pregnant/which leads to being very emotional. So back to my no good rotten day...It's almost Christmas and along with my regular 17,000 things to do in one day still have Christmas shopping to get done (which if you know me at all, which most of you don't, is highly unusual since I usually have Christmas shopping done in like October) so like I was saying I have a crap ton load of shit to get done everyday and on top of being crazy at work and my crazy emotional family (sounds crazy...having a family that is crazy and emotional like me...noooooo) and my crazy emotional controlling just sucked ok...try and believe me so I can stop complaining...cause i could name every shitty thing about today cause lord knows women don't like doing that! Well anyway my 17,000 things i usually do in one day plus the Christmas shopping, plus work crap, plus anything else you can think of...and i end up forgetting we have a stupid chili cook off at work tomorrow (oh wait today) and had to call my little sister (Emily who was out shopping) a hundred times since she doesn't ever answer her phone (I really shouldn't complain since she is doing me a favor) and have her get me a darn loaf of bread and peanut butter cause I volunteered to bring it since its not only a chili cook off but rather a "who's chili is hotter" type thing...stupid I know...well anyway so I thought what better to help fix a hot mouth after hot chili than a peanut butter sandwich! Anyway so i get ahold of her and she says she will get it and drop it off at my house (glad cause if i would have had to drag my kid into Walmart I would have probably killed someone after my shitty day) so after that i pick up my "terrible two" year old which I thought we had already been through (no it gets worse) we drive home and he is kicking his shoes off in the car and screaming that he wants something, i don't know i wasn't hearing it...we get home and we finally get through the door and I burst into tears and obviously my husband (god bless him doesn't have a clue) is freaked out saying what happened, what's wrong, why are you crying??! I set down the kid and he takes off his coat and runs across the room and starts playing...and I start in with how I hate everything and blah blah blah (you have already read what I would say here so I'm not repeating) and I'm snotting and blubbering and carrying on just saying everything that's making me upset in a matter of 30 sec...So as I'm talking to my husband and he is listening to me (obviously with a freaked out look on his face) I realize my son is talking to me from across the i stop crying and talking for a moment and I wipe my face and snot a little bit and he says "don't cry mommy!" I just lost it crying again and my husband says come give mommy a hug buddy and he sprints across the room and grabs my legs and looks up at me and says it again "don't cry mommy!" How could he know the right thing to say!? How could he know to say that? (Cause I know his father didn't teach him...remember the freaked out look part I was talking about) I mean Bill Cosby knows his shit "kids do say the darnedest things!" So at this moment I'm just overwhelmed with happiness. And after that little moment my tears just kinda went away...none of it really mattered...I had the sweetest little boy wrapped in my arms and none of it mattered (not that this what's serious shit I was upset about any way but come on I'm emotional, and remember it was a no good rotten day!) its honestly amazing how something so small cause fix a crappy day and make it all just seem to go away. And that is my sweet little boy/mommy moment for the day. I love him with all my heart and he is most caring and loving and sweetest little 2 year old ever! Yes ever so don't even try to compare your kids cause your wrong. Thanks :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I'm pretty sure the Internet is the devil...just saying!


I'm freaking out man! You are freaking!


This is way better than Facebook cause I can say what I want about what I want and no body (except my stalker sisters) know who I am :)


The anticipation is potentially way worse than the actual news...kinda like when your a kid and your being bad in the car headed home and your dad says "wait till we get home" you all know that the rest of the drive home is way worse than the whipping you will be getting :)


Sometimes certain moments in life make you change your whole outlook! You take a better look around at the things you have in your life and maybe those things that feel like the end of the world are pretty petty compared to others.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Pointing your fingers at someone...then doing exactly what you were "claiming" they were doing...what an idiot! Don't you realize it makes you a total ass! Oh it's ok cause I see it and laugh at you :)


No matter what you say or do...your life will never be a lifetime movie...just sayin

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Nothing like watching Finding Nemo for the 1500th time this week :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012